
The Evil Genius Store

Created by Evil Genius Games

The Evil Genius store carries our flagship product - Everyday Heroes TTRPG - based on d20 Modern, built on 5e. It also pre-sells our first 8 Cinematic Adventures - Pacific Rim, Kong: Skull Island, Highlander, Escape from New York, Total Recall, Rambo, Universal Soldier, and The Crow. We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items on your survey to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

To DeThrone A Dictator is Here
about 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 12:37:24 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping & eCommerce Update
about 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 03:43:37 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Crow and Escape From New York Have Been Released!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 09:28:08 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Comet Hyperion - Revised
about 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 09:58:26 PM

Oops, my designers told me I pulled the wrong stats for the Comet. Here are the right ones. (PS - Yes this is totally a superhero landing).

Comet Hyperion

Comet Hyperion

Bulk. 12 (max 6 + all pilots’ proficiency bonuses)

Neural Load. 3

Chassis. Heavy Jaeger

Energy Core. Energy Cell

Speed. 3 spaces

Defense. 16

Armor. AV 4


  • Thrust Kicker (integrated into right foot; 3 NL; 2 Bulk)
  • 2d12 bludgeoning, PV 2, Melee
  • Anti-Kaiju Missile Launcher (non-mounted; 3 NL; 4 Bulk)
  • 4d12 explosive, PV 4, range 8/16, radius 2
  • 2 uses
  • Y-11 Revolution Cannons (mounted on arms; 3 NL; 2 Bulk)
  • 2d6 ballistic, PV 3, range 8/16, Light, Loud, Paired


  • Gravity Sling (1 NL; 1 Bulk)
    • You can pick up and throw “Thing” improvised weapons with your gravity sling. When you do, you can pick up those weapons from up to 4 spaces away, it takes no action to pick them up, and their thrown range is doubled.
    • You can also topple buildings or other massive objects onto enemies, allowing you to make attacks with “Object” improvised weapons at a range of up to 8 spaces. This destroys the object, even if it is an “unbreakable” object.
  • X-211 Light Carbon Body Work (integrated into full body; 3 NL; 2 Bulk)
    • Your Defense is increased by 1. (Included above)
  • Foot Spikes (1 NL; 1 Bulk)
    • You have advantage on saving throws against being forcibly moved or knocked Prone.

Awkward. A heavy jaeger has disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks and Dexterity saving throws.

Bulky. A heavy jaeger cannot dive for cover.

Catalyst Enhancements. During Rainbow Serpent turn, the pilots of a Catalyst-enhanced jaeger can choose to activate a Catalyst benefit, gaining one of the following benefits:

  • Ionic Antiballistic Shields. The jaeger has special shields that can be activated to block attacks. Once before the jaeger’s next turn, when an attack its it, it can gain a +5 bonus to its Defense against that attack, potentially turning the hit into a miss.
  • Ionic Reinforced Musculature. The jaeger’s movement speed is increased by 2 spaces until the start of its next turn.

Momentum. When a heavy jaeger takes the Dash action, it must move in a straight line.

Meet Comet-Hyperion of Pacific Rim & BIG SURPRISE ANNOUNCED
about 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 04:52:49 PM

Hello Backers, 

This is a big and exciting update so I hope you read all the way through to the end. 

Pacific Rim Stat Blocks

In an earlier post, we showed you a few pictures related to our Pacific Rim project. A few of you really wanted to see what a Jaeger stat block looked like. So here is one:

Hyperion Comet (Medium Jaeger)

Artist: Bhavesh Visram

Bulk. 6 (max 4 + all pilots’ proficiency bonuses)

Neural Load. 2

Chassis. Medium Jaeger

Energy Core. Energy Cell

Speed. 4 spaces

Defense. 14

Armor. AV 3


  • Welding Torch x2 (mounted on arms; 1 NL each; 1 Bulk each)
    2d6 fire, PV 3, Finesse
  • I-19 Plasmacaster x2 (integrated into arms; 2 NL; 2 Bulk each)
    2d8 fire, PV 4, range 4/8, Loud

Gear. None

Catalyst Enhancements. During the Hyperion Comet’s turn, the pilots of a Catalyst-enhanced jaeger can choose to activate a Catalyst benefit, gaining one of the following benefits:

  •  Ionic Antiballistic Shields. The jaeger has special shields that can be activated to block attacks. Once before the jaeger’s next turn, when an attack it's it, it can gain a +5 bonus to its Defense against that attack, potentially turning the hit into a miss.
  •  Ionic Hard-Impact Plasmacasters. Until the start of the jaeger’s next turn, all of its attacks with its I-19 Plasmacasters gain +1 Armor Penetration, and their base damage is increased to 2d10.

Momentum. When a medium jaeger takes the Dash action, it must move in a straight line.

Topple. A medium jaeger can move only up to 1 space when it dives for cover.

Early Release of Crow and Escape!

As I mentioned in my earlier post, we're launching our new store on Tuesday, December 13th. There, we will begin to sell our Core Rulebook as well as two Cinematic Adventures - Escape From New York and The Crow. 

What does that mean for you?

Well, it would be unfair if we didn't give these to our own backers first. So we're sending them to our backers who purchased these adventures in the next few days! We had planned to send it in January, but rules were made to be broken. Consider it an early Holiday gift.