
The Evil Genius Store

Created by Evil Genius Games

The Evil Genius store carries our flagship product - Everyday Heroes TTRPG - based on d20 Modern, built on 5e. It also pre-sells our first 8 Cinematic Adventures - Pacific Rim, Kong: Skull Island, Highlander, Escape from New York, Total Recall, Rambo, Universal Soldier, and The Crow. We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items on your survey to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sneak Peak #1: The Crow
about 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 03, 2022 at 07:15:47 PM

A Sneak Peek at The Crow Cinematic Adventure™

Hello Evil Minions,

Many of you have been wondering what The Crow Cinematic Adventure will entail. In this update, I’m excited to give you a few hints as to what’s in store.

What's a Cinematic Adventure?

Cinematic Adventures are a tool we use to introduce you to the world of this iconic movie property. Half of this 100-page printed or digital book will be focused on introducing new mechanics within this world. The second half will be an adventure introducing you to this campaign setting. If an individual Cinematic Adventure is successful, we’ll move on to creating more sourcebooks to flesh out the world even more.

What's in Part 1?

The first part will usually introduce one or more new classes, as well as backgrounds and professions that are specific to this world. In many cases, we’ll have to also introduce new rules mechanics to make the world function. In other cases, we will flesh out the popular locations within the world so you can create your own adventures.

What’s in Part 2?

The second part will be a full-fledged adventure set within the world. We will hire award-winning writers from Paizo and Wizards to create these amazing stories. We will accept nothing less than exceptional storytelling honoring the original property.

5 Hints about the Crow Cinematic Adventure

  1.  The World is Our Oyster. The studio has confirmed that we have the right to pull from all of the Crow movies (good or bad), including the rumored reboot with Bill Skarsgaard. We can also pull from the comic books and graphic novels. This includes the recently announced comic book series.
  1.  You’re Dead. Yes, your player character will be dead, not alive. While you can take a feat to get some powers of the Crow, this is the only way the full power of the crow will come calling to your cause. You will also need to define a wrong to right. Yes, the Crow only partners with you until this wrong has been resolved.
  1.  The Wrong Won’t Be Easy to Make Right. Many people wonder what happens once the right has been wronged. Well, the Crow leaves you and finds another soul to assist. But don’t worry, like other mechanics like this in roleplaying games, it will be a while before you’re strong enough to face that wrong. This gives you plenty of room to play your character. But if you end up wronging your right, your character can pick a new wrong to right so long as The Crow finds it worthy.
  1.  The Crow Isn’t the Only Spirit. We’ve received approval to expand the pantheon of spirits that help avenge the souls of the dead. We’re still working out the specifics, but each spirit will provide its own unique traits and special abilities to your character.
  1.  A Wise Hero. The Crow class will be a wisdom-based class, allowing you to spend focus points on cool powers such as “Crow’s Sight” and “Feel Nothing.”

I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek. Ask any questions in the comments and we'll respond. Look for more sneak peeks at each Cinematic Adventure in our upcoming posts.

Adding Cinematic Adventures to your Pledge

Are you ready to purchase this The Crow now? To add this product to your pledge, take the following simple steps.

  1. Select your pledge level
  1.  Click the green “Pledge” button
  1.  On the Configure Reward page, scroll down to see all of the add-ons.

  1.  Find The Crow Cinematic Adventure or Roll20 version and click the green “Add” button. It will automatically gets added to your shopping cart
  1.  Press "Continue"
  1.  You should see your add-ons in the pledge summary

Stretch Goal Update #2
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 01:57:07 AM

Hello Evil Backers. By gum you did it. Another stretch goal unlocked. But wait, there are even more exciting things in store. 

Is Anyone up for FREE Minis?

Yes, we've offered a 3rd time-based stretch goal. It's a free mini of Mack Williams, our iconic Brute. Everyone who has a physical pledge and is a backer on or before June 2nd gets the mini. I must say that it is beautifully designed. I'm excited to see him put to use on the battle maps.

MMA Fighter Unlocked

Meet Zagriev “The Ukrainian Bear” Novikov, A contender once told Zagriev that the ring felt like a cage. He laughed, shaking his head like an angry grizzly bear, and smacking his gloved hands together. "It's only a cage for the loser," he said as the bell rang and he dropped on his opponent like an avalanche.

If you love unarmed combat and grappling techniques, you will love the MMA Fighters. Here is one of their traits:

Submission Move. Granted at level 1. If you have an opponent grappled, you can apply a submission move as a special attack. You automatically deal your unarmed damage to the opponent. You cannot use Power Attack or Improved Power Attack when making a submission move. (Special attacks can be used whenever an attack would be possible.)

New Stretch Goal: The Manipulator Class

The manipulator focuses almost exclusively on weakening or controlling opponents in a fight and only rarely makes attacks. With the right allies, these are powerful abilities. They also have the strongest set of social skills for any hero and shine in non-combat situations. She unlocks at $400k.

Here is one of their talents:

Copycat. Granted at level 3. You can perfectly mimic the voice of another person, so long as you have heard them speak for at least 1 minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the voice is fake.

Anything else?

We love all of the questions, so please keep them coming! If you ask your question over social media, please use #askagenius and we will answer right away!

Keep up to date with all things Everyday Heroes on our Socials!
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 06:05:25 AM

The conversation doesn't stop at our Discord some please jump in. For more specific feedback we would love to hear from you at our Reddit, where we have threads for each Cinematic Adventure just waiting for you to to tell us all about your ideas, request and excitement! And of course we're always happy to hear from you on our Twitter and Facebook pages. Where ever you choose to go we're more than happy to geek out with all of you about Everyday Heroes!

Project Update #3
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 06:05:14 AM

Hello Evil Backers,

Here is your next project update!!

1. Free Custom Dice

Congratulations! 2,504 of you qualified to receive the free custom dice. It does require a pledge to a physical pledge so we can ship cost-effectively. But don't worry, you have time to upgrade if you are interested in this free loot. For those of you who didn't back at that level, maybe the next Free Stuff will make it worth your while!

2. Live Q&A with Developers

On Monday, we did a live Q&A with design legend Jeff Grubb and the lead developers. It was a lively discussion and we thank all of you who asked questions. If you missed it, don't worry because we recorded it. Check it out here:

3. Christopher Lambert Stretch Goal

We're halfway to unlocking the Q&A session with Highlander star Christopher Lambert. At just 5,000 backers, you can ask the Highlander star any burning question you have about his role in the Highlander movie or anything else related to his amazing career. Please tell a friend and help us get there!

4. Details about our Stretch Goals

There have been a lot of questions about how we picked the stretch goals. Our designers did a thorough job explaining this process in the comments section and in the Q&A, but let me take another crack at it. When we first launched this project, we set out to make a 360-page book - about the size of the original game. But we keep writing and writing and writing. In the end, we had written a 600-page manuscript. For example, instead of just 18 classes, we had built 22. In the design process, we often had the designers come up with competing rule mechanics and then we'd pick the winner. In the end, we paired the manuscript down to 500 pages, making hard decisions on what to keep and what to remove. The stretch goals you see are things that weren't able to make it into the final manuscript. So instead, we added them as stretch goals. Adding the Hacker as a stretch goal was a mistake. She was planned to be in the core rulebook from the beginning. So now, you will see that we removed her from the page and replaced her with the Engineer Class as was initially intended. 

Again, thanks for everyone's support. See you next update!

Live Q&A on Twitch - Mark your calendars
about 2 years ago – Wed, May 25, 2022 at 12:54:14 AM

Hello Evil Backers,

Come join us tomorrow at 6:00 PM PDT as we premiere our brand new Twitch channel with a live Q&A with our design team! We know you have questions, come get them answered and learn about the future of Everyday Heroes™! We'll be on until all of your questions are answered!
