The Evil Genius store carries our flagship product - Everyday Heroes TTRPG - based on d20 Modern, built on 5e. It also pre-sells our first 8 Cinematic Adventures - Pacific Rim, Kong: Skull Island, Highlander, Escape from New York, Total Recall, Rambo, Universal Soldier, and The Crow.
We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items on your survey to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Pledges Close on October 25th (Shipping Questions Answered)
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 02:49:41 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Shipping Updates: Single Wave and Local Pickup
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 01:05:04 PM
Hello Evil Backers,
During our staff meeting, when discussing shipping costs, one of our layout designers said “Hey we should offer a single shipping option for those who are budget conscious like me.” Boy, we should have listened to her. Maybe even make her CEO.
I want to thank the people who calmly and respectfully shared their concerns about the cost of multi-wave shipping. Obviously, we’re listening. Last night my team worked with the shipping partners to come up with a few options we think you will be interested in.
Single Wave Shipping
We are proud to offer single-wave shipping for those who don’t mind waiting until the release of your last purchase to receive their physical products. Despite the delay, you’ll still have immediate access to the digital versions of these products. Here is the pricing table below:
Single Wave Pricing
Local Pickup
For a flat one-time fee of $10, we can give you the ability to pick up your order at 1) any convention we will be attending or at 2) your local FLGS. Our official convention for next year will be:
GAMA - April 24-27th, 2023
Origins - June 21-25th, 2023
GenCon - August 3-6th, 2023
Essen - October 5-8th 2023
Pax Unplugged - December 2023
In addition, we will be working with your local FLGS to allow local pickup. While we cannot guarantee it, we urge you to talk to the store and see if they are open to it. We have global distribution, so if they plan to carry our product, this should be no problem. We encourage you to talk to your local store before you choose this option.
It’s Your Choice
Within the next 24 hours, we will be populating the survey with three shipping options to choose from. They are:
Ship in Waves
Ship all at once
Local Pickup
Please make your choice before we close the survey on October 25th, 2022 at midnight PDT.
One Final Thought
We understand your frustration with some of our decisions, this community is made of amazing, passionate fans of film and gaming. We ask for your patience as we work to bring you Everyday Heroes in the best way possible - forgive the hurdles it is our first go at this.
We're gamers and Kickstarter backers like you and we know the risk you've taken by supporting us. We hope that you have seen throughout this process that we are listening and when changes can be made to improve your experience with us, we make those changes.
In terms of shipping, there is only so much that we control. Our process for collecting shipping costs is as follows: We send the weights and dimensions of products to our shipping partners and they give us a price. Despite our best efforts, we are unable to negotiate prices, which leaves us with selecting the cheapest alternatives.
We hope some of the solutions we've presented and will present in the future are able to recover any faith you may have lost in the project. We will always take the side of our backers and work to provide you with the best experience possible. Thank you for supporting us, thank you for your patience with us, and thank you for your feedback.
Next Steps
Please complete the pledge manager before the deadline to avoid extra costs or delays in receiving your pledges. You will find your invitation link in your email (we will soon send new invitations to anyone who hasn’t completed it yet) or you can simply follow this link to get a new invitation. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]. We won’t be answering specific questions in the comments section
Again, thanks for your patience, and we are excited to put these products in your hands.
Inside Look: Classes From The Crow
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 06:55:42 AM
Hello Evil Backers,
We thought we'd share a little more about the Crow Cinematic Adventure. In the module, we do our best to show the expansiveness of the world. Here is an example.
Ritual Magic
Magic exists in the world of the Crow. Well, Ritual Magic that is. Play with the fates and deal with the consequences. This artwork is from talented artist Bhavesh Visram.
Artists: Bhavesh Visram
Sample Ritual
Anyone can attempt a ritual spell. Here is a quick look at one of the spells available to anyone who dares a ritual:
Conjure the Dead
With this ritual, the caster can bring forth a recently deceased spirit and speak with it. When successfully cast, the soul of one person named by the caster appears before them for up to 1 minute. This soul cannot interact with the world, and only the caster can see it. It is under no compulsion to aid the caster.
Research. Standard. This is not a spell that is publicly available, but it can be found in many legitimate books on the occult. Access to an occult library or a book purchased from a legitimate occult store with a Price of 3 is enough to find the spell.
Requirements. You must cast this spell at the location the spirit died. Casting it requires at least four participants to join hands. You must draw a circle around you and your group in salt and speak the spirit’s name.
Casting Difficulty. Standard. This spell has a DC of 10. If you fail by 5 or more, the salt circle is broken and one of you is possessed by a spirit of the GM’s choice, which controls their body until it is exorcised.
The Soothsayer Class
There are other magics in the world as well. Enter the Soothsayer.
Artist: Ines Munoz Diaz
You are a seer, gleaning what you can from psychic visions. You gaze into the future as easily as you look into the hearts of your enemies, guiding destiny to your benefit with a deft touch.
Soothsayers use their plans to gather information and influence fate. They can perform remote viewing or receive portents of danger. In combat, they mostly take on a supporting role, granting their allies bonuses, but with the right plan, they can also show their enemies terrifying visions, causing them psychic damage.
As Foretold. Granted at level 1. At the start of an adventure, and whenever you finish a long rest, roll 2d20 and record the result of each die individually. At any time before you finish another long rest, you can expend one of your recorded results to replace the roll of any d20 roll with that number, regardless of who rolled the d20. You don’t need to be present, or even conscious, to do this. Expended results cannot be used again, and any that were not expended are lost when you finish a long rest.
Blessing of Fortune. Granted at level 1. As an action, you can choose one ally you are aware of within 120 feet. That ally adds 1d4 to the result of the next attack roll or saving throw they make before the start of your next turn.
Sample Plan
Witness Your End. As an action, you can enact this plan to show one enemy you are aware of within 120 feet their death. This might be their true end, or simply one possible future, at the GM’s discretion. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking 2d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. On a failed save, the target also drops what it is holding and is Frightened until the end of its next turn.
Sybil is Back
You may run into some familiar faces in the world of the Crow. Remember Sybil from The Crow: City of Angels?
Artist: Ines Munoz Diaz
As you can see, we work with the best artists to ensure the highest quality roleplaying experience. If you haven't picked up this Cinematic Adventure, now's the time. You can visit our preorder store here.
Inside Look: Artwork from The Crow
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 11:48:38 PM
Hello Evil Backers,
We thought we'd share some of the artwork from The Crow Cinematic Adventure (PDF version released January 2023, in-store release in March/April 2023).
New Cover Art
Unveiling the new cover art for the Escape From New York Cinematic Adventure from acclaimed artist David Chen. You'll notice a new enhanced pose for Eric Draven reminiscent of his walk in the rain.
Artist: David Chen
The Villain of this Adventure
Introducing Vee. She is as dangerous as she is beautiful. And she is hellbent on bringing her twin sister back from the dead using the powers of the Crow. Don't underestimate her. She has masterminded the perfect plot to ensnare your pitiful party to get what she wants. Drawn by the talented Jensen Sujaya.
Artist: Jensen Sujaya
As you can see, we work with the best artists to ensure the highest quality roleplaying experience. If you haven't picked up this Cinematic Adventure, now's the time. You can visit our preorder store here.
Inside Look: Character Classes from Escape From New York
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 12:13:37 AM
Hello Backers,
We are introducing 3 new character classes set in the Escape From New York world - The Street Warrior, The Gutter Rat, and The Motorhead. Here is a deep dive into the Gutter Rat:
Art by Ines Munoz Diaz
Gutter Rat (Charming Hero)
The gutter rat may seem like the lowest of the low—weak, and pitiable—but in truth, they are among the most dangerous of people. They know how to play mind games with their enemies, striking when and where they are most vulnerable. Most treacherous of all are their lies, which come to them as easily as breathing does to most.
Gutter Rats are versatile heroes who can support a team with a mix of social skills and subterfuge outside of combat. In a fight, they specialize in inflicting status effects on enemies and delivering devastating blows to their suffering opponents.
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Charisma
Skills: Choose Three (Acrobatics, Deception, Intimidate, Perform, Security, Sleight of Hand, Streetwise, Stealth)
Equipment: Basic and Improvised Equipment
Underhanded Expertise: Choose One (Deception, Security, Sleight of Hand, Streetwise, Stealth)
Sample Talents
Play the Fool (1st Level). You can take an action to distract an opponent who can see and hear you. Make a Charisma (Deception) check opposed by a Wisdom (Insight) check from the target. If you win the contest, the opponent is considered Distracted by your antics until the beginning of your next turn.
Slippery (1st Level). You have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made to escape bonds and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to escape a grapple. You can make such checks as a bonus action during combat.
Sneaky (1st Level). You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while trying to move without making any noise.
Sample Tricks
Gloat. After an opponent has made a successful saving throw against a talent or attack you used against them, you can use your reaction to roll an influence die to apply a penalty equal to your roll, potentially turning the success into failure.
Hobbling Strike. When making a melee attack, after rolling to hit but before determining the result, you can roll an influence dice and add it to the attack roll. If the attack hits, in addition to the normal damage the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn.
As you can see, our designers are putting a lot of fun storylines into this story. If you haven't picked up this Cinematic Adventure, now's the time. You can visit our preorder store here: