
The Evil Genius Store

Created by Evil Genius Games

The Evil Genius store carries our flagship product - Everyday Heroes TTRPG - based on d20 Modern, built on 5e. It also pre-sells our first 8 Cinematic Adventures - Pacific Rim, Kong: Skull Island, Highlander, Escape from New York, Total Recall, Rambo, Universal Soldier, and The Crow. We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items on your survey to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sidekick Has Launched
13 days ago – Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 02:58:07 PM

Hello Evil Fans,

We've been working on a companion app to support your Everyday Heroes games. Think D&D Beyond for Everyday Heroes. Here are more details.

Hello Evil Fans,

I'm excited to officially announce the launch of Sidekick - our content subscription platform. We're launching the platform with over 60 products in our catalog ranging from Sourcebooks to one-shot adventures.


Access to the Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook, The Vault, and even the Open Beta rules for Intergalactic Heroes.

Cinematic Sourcebooks

Purchase the Cinematic Sourcebook for Kong: Skull Island or Pacific Rim. Or gain access to other Cinematic Sourcebooks via special prizes and contests.

Bonus Features

Take advantage of several Bonus Features that add new hero options and rules to enhance your game. Become a first content specialist or supernatural detective. Enjoy new releases every month. Next up, Superspies.

One Shot Adventures

Access dozens of 4-hour adventures complete with pre-generated heroes that explore the 4-corners of the Everyday Heroes universe. Fight vampires in a waterpark or stop bad guys from hijacking a train. Enjoy new releases every month. See upcoming releases here.

EGO Adventures

Are you currently running or interested in running EGO Adventures? All of them are available here and ready for purchase.

Join For Free

Sign in or sign up to activate the Everyday Hero tier. Under this tier, enjoy 10 free products including our Quickstart Rules. Enjoy the following benefits:

Or Subscribe For More Benefits

For just $5 per month or $48 per year, Subscribe to the Hero Tier and claim the Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook and The Vault for free! Earn tickets every month to claim other premium products. Enjoy the following benefits:

January Update: Roll20, Nacho Conline 2025, and unfortunately some sad news.
28 days ago – Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 12:09:00 PM

Hey Evil Backers,

I hope everyone has been doing well! Those who celebrated any holidays during the past month, I hope your festivities were light and joyful! Christmas is normal for my household, so we were able to enjoy time with the family and share a few gifts with one another. We then brought in the New Year with friends and shared traditions! For those who know…I never thought that eating 12 grapes in 12 seconds would be as difficult as it was.


All physical items for this Kickstarter have shipped. If you are still missing physical or digital items, please contact: [email protected]

This includes the rules compilation book known as The Vault: Rules Compendium Vol 1. These were sent out to backers beginning Jan 2024. I still have a few friends who seem to be missing this book. If you are one of them, please email me so we can get you squared away.


All codes have been sent out to backers. If you are still missing a code to which you are entitled, please reach out to me at: [email protected]


All Foundry codes have also been sent out to backers. If you are missing these codes, they were sent out on DrivethruRPG via the email that is attached to your Kickstarter account. If you do not have a DrivethruRPG account, you may have not received these codes. Please create an account (they are free) and then email me that you are missing your Foundry codes at: [email protected]


Oh Boy! We have nearly 80% of everything that we need to get all 8 Season One Cinematic Adventures completed on Roll20. This has been long-awaited and we realize that we are asking for a bit more of your patience, but things are finally coming to a close with this project and we could not be happier to provide you with something that we are proud of! Thank you so much for hanging in there with us. It has been exhausting, but the last thing we wanted to do was give you a project that we were not happy with just to get it our the door. That is not how we roll! 

Now, for those who are just tuning in, we were having some issues with Roll20 implementation and needed to go back to the drawing board with items presented to us from their team. We received negative feedback from customers with the first few created and we wanted to put a stop to that right away. It meant putting everything  on pause until things were figured out. Unfortunately, this took an insane amount of time. However, things are now moving forward, so that is very exciting and a big relief! 

Announcing Nacho Conline!

NachoCon-line is upon us, so let me tell you a bit about it!

NACHO CONline 2025 is the first annual online convention for all Everyday Heroes, sponsored by Evil Genius Games and the Evil Genius Games Organized-Play (E.G.O.) Program.

When? January 24-26, 2025

Where? NACHO CONline Disord (Click this Invite:

What? There will be:

  • Online Everyday Heroes and REDEMPTION games, with virtual tables scheduled for play around the world.
  • Panels on how to GM (in person or online), adventure and setting design, map-making, and more.
  • A special opening livestream Q&A panel with Evil Genius staff talking about their present and future projects.
  • A very special panel with Dave Scott, Chris “Goober” Ramsley, and Steve Wolsh about our collaboration on Return of the Living Dead!
  • A first-time announcement of an exciting Evil Genius IP acquisition.
  • An awesome contest for fan-generated content (see next section).

Registration for games and panels is now open through Warhorn at this link:

The Passing of Awen Rowan-Nelson

We also suffered a great personal and professional loss over the holidays. Our beloved Lead Editor and Proofreader, Awen Rowan-Nelson, passed away on December 23rd. Awen’s rigorous attention to detail and to excellence made a huge impact on the quality of our final products and left a legacy to which we will continue to aspire. Besides editing, Awen co-authored the EGG World Bible that led to the creation of Intergalactic Heroes, the Evil Genius House Style Guide, and the Evil Genius Technology Code of Ethics. You can read about her remarkable life and work at Evil Genius Games in the interviews that she did for our blogs about her role as Lead Editor and in crafting the Technology Code of Ethics.

Awen’s passing also leaves an enormous hole in the life of her husband, colleague, collaborator, and co-author for twenty-five years, Eric Nelson, our Organized-Play Manager for E.G.O. With Awen’s passing, Eric has not only suffered a devastating personal loss, but he now faces enormous financial challenges in settling her affairs, paying medical bills, and coping with the sudden loss of income. Please, if you can, contribute to and share with your networks the GoFundMe that his daughter has set up to help him cope with the challenges in the days ahead. Every bit of support makes a huge difference, and we fully support this effort.  

In fact, Evil Genius Games and the volunteers who are putting on the upcoming Nacho Conline, the first annual online convention for Everyday Heroes, are dedicating the convention to her memory in appreciation of her work and in support of the GoFundMe effort. So, please—come celebrate and honor one of our Everyday Heroes at Nacho Conline, and lend your support to the effort to ease the way ahead for Eric. 

I appreciate being able to be as transparent as we can about the status of our team and products that you put so much faith in. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being a part of our community, for being amazing people, and for sticking with us even when there is darkness overhead. The sunshine will poke through eventually, but for now, things are looking gray as we navigate 2025 without one of our dearest friends. Grief takes time, but we promise that we are still pushing forward and brighter days lay ahead. 

See you all next month!


October Update and Patreon Drops :)
4 months ago – Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 09:46:44 AM

Hey Evil Backers,

I hope everyone has been enjoying their books! I am about to get started on an Intergalactic Heroes playtest session myself. Oh, you haven't heard? Yeah, space stuff is coming your way! Now, do be patient as this is definitely a next year item, but it is something to keep in mind while I give you some October Everyday Heroes updates.

All questions about orders or requests for digital items, please email: [email protected]


It should go without saying, but all physical items have definitely been shipped. I haven't seen too many emails cross my desk asking where packages are, so that is great news. If you have yet to receive your items, digital or physical, toss me an email. This is the only way I can know if someone still needs our assistance.


The Core book and all of the Cinematic Adventures have a Foundry Module. These links were all sent out quite some time ago. We send out these links via DriveThruRPG. If you have not received items that you are entitled too, please check your email, your DTRPG account, and your spam to make sure it isn't lost in the ether somewhere. If you still can't find it, email me. But make sure you let me know what your DriveThruRPG email is so that we know your items are being sent to the correct place.


We have a plan in place with the Roll20 team and are actively working on getting these long awaited items completed. Thank you to everyone who has been so incredibly patient with this process. We definitely understand that it has been frustrating! 

For those who are just tuning in, we were having some issues with Roll20 implementation and needed to go back to the drawing board with items presented to us from their team as they just were not very good to be honest. We received negative feedback with the first few created and we wanted to put a stop to that right away. This means that everything was put on pause until it was figured out. Unfortunately, this took an insane amount of time. BUT, things are now moving forward, so that is exciting! 


I have finally received extra codes from Syrinscape for the sound sets that some of you are missing. Apologies for the wait. There was a big mess with the codes, but we have finally got it sorted. If you are one of the few who still need a code, you know what to do! That's right, send me an email. I want to make sure that we get everyone taken care of.

Last but not least, here is what is coming at you for the October Patreon Drop!

We have new material to share with you every month, so of course I will leave you with a sneak peak of what's to come!

See you all next month! <3

Looking for Feedback: $25 Gift Certificate for Participating!
5 months ago – Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 12:04:41 PM

Hello Backers, 

Evil Genius Games is looking to interview customers who backed our first Kickstarter but chose not to back any of our other Crowdfunding Campaigns for reasons other than money.
This will be a 1 hour interview about how you learned about Everyday Heroes and came to purchase the product. If selected, Interviewees will receive a $25 Gift Certificate to DriveThru RPG. 
If interested, please apply here

September Update: Customer Interviews, Public Beta, and Patreon Drops
5 months ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 08:51:31 AM

Hello Evil Supporters,

Hopefully, you're enjoying your Everyday Heroes investment. We're excited to be pushing ahead on several projects. Here are our Septemto putber updates

The Armory Late Pledges Open

We've opened the late pledge for the Armory. You still have time to place an order. 

Patreon Release Schedule

We're excited to share with you the schedule of products that will be released on Patreon from now until the end of the year. We have some very fun surprises happening later in the year. 

Intergalactic Heroes in Open Beta

Last month, we launched our open beta for IGH. This is a fully playable version of the game. Feel free to download the game and play it. 

Customer Interviews

Take an interview and get a free T-shirt

Evil Genius Games is looking to interview current players of the Everyday Heroes who have purchased the Core Rulebook and are currently playing in an active campaign. This will be a 1-hour interview about how you learned about Everyday Heroes and came to purchase the product. Interviewees will receive a free Evil Genius Games T-shirt.