We [Heart] Our Syrinscape Partners
over 1 year ago
– Sat, May 06, 2023 at 04:20:45 PM
Hello Backers,
I wanted to make sure you all knew that our first 3 Syrinscape Soundsets are live and available for purchase.
Everyday Heroes Soundet
This amazing SoundPack creates immersion for three essential settings for any action movie: subway, dockyard & shopping mall! https://bit.ly/3LBtvoE
Escape From New York Soundset
Make sure you add our SoundPack for Everyday Heroes: Escape from New York! Our immersive sound fx & incredible music will make you feel like your game is the movie! https://bit.ly/416fzbX
The Crow SoundSet
Some tragedies never rest, even after death.
When the time comes to set things right, Syrinscape is there to help build the world around you with immersive sound and music from our SoundPack for Everyday Heroes: The Crow. https://bit.ly/3LXzupk
Shipping Update - May
over 1 year ago
– Wed, May 03, 2023 at 02:48:34 PM
Hello Evil Backers,
In this update, we'll attempt to clarify the shipping updates across the next three waves.
First Wave Fulfillment
In our last backer update, we should have clarified that only the first wave items have been shipped. If your order included any item from a future wave and you did not specifically choose the (more expensive) multi-wave shipping option, your whole order will be shipped once every item in it is released.
Which Shipping Option Did You Choose?
You can check the shipping option you selected and your order details by logging in to your Backerkit account, or through this link:
If you would like to change your shipping option or have any questions regarding your pledge, send as an email at [email protected] so that we can better assist you.
Canadian Fulfillment
No Canadian order has been shipped yet. The fulfillment hub in Canada has received our stock and is currently inventorying it and preparing for the fulfillment process. We expect shipping to start next week. We chose this fulfillment option (even though it was more expensive for us) so that the Canadian orders are shipped from within Canada and you won't need to pay the customs fees. Please note that it took us longer than we expected to set this up, but the next waves will be shipped about 2 weeks after the US fulfillment.
Second Wave Fulfillment
We are happy to report that the Pacific Rim and Kong: Skull Island books have been printed and are currently on their way to the fulfillment hubs in the USA, UK, and AU. We expect shipping of the second wave items *for all regions* to start in June, as promised.
Third Wave Fulfillment
Highlander and Total Recall are complete and have been sent to the printers. Soon we will be releasing them via DriveThruRPG. We're excited to see what you think.
Our Second Kickstarter
We're less than a week away from our 2nd Kickstarter focusing on Pacific Rim and Kong Skull Island Cinematic Adventure Paths. Thanks to the 200+ of you who have already given us feedback on the offering.
We're hoping you, our loyal backers, will back us on Day 1. If you do, we're offering this amazing FREE miniature. This is the first of a series of Pacific Rim miniatures that we will be releasing next year! I hope you support us!
Two New Offerings Available
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 09:28:17 AM
Hello Evil Backers,
We have some exciting news so let's jump right into it.
Escape From New York Prologue
The Prologue for Escape From New York was released yesterday to every backer. You should have received your email notification on DriveThru. If you didn't, first check your DriveThru account to see if it's in your library. If not, please email Customer Support at [email protected]
FoundryVTT System and Module are Live
I'm excited to share that we have released an official free game system for Everyday Heroes which can be expanded with their Core Rulebook module for $29.99!
Shipping Update - April Pt 2
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 10:59:06 AM
Hello Evil Backers,
More progress has been made. I want to thank everyone for posting pictures of their products on Facebook. Keep it coming. Please see the updates below:
Shipping Updates
Items discussed:
- Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook (Physical)
- Everyday Heroes Special Edition Rulebook (Physical)
- The Crow Cinematic Adventure (Physical)
- Escape From New York Cinematic Adventure (Physical)
- GM Screen (Physical)
- The Crow Mini (Physical)
- Rambo Mini (Physical)
- Kickstarter Stretch Goals (Physical)
Australia, New Zealand, & Asia
Your product has shipped. By now you should have received your product. If not, let us know at [email protected]. Our store is also officially open. New customers can now buy the physical products and have them shipped within a week.
Our partner will begin shopping this week!
North & South America
Your product has shipped. You should receive your package within the next several days. Many people have already received theirs and have been posting about it. If you don't receive it by April 17th, let us know at [email protected]. Our e-commerce store is also officially open. New customers can now buy the physical products and have them shipped within a week.
NOTE: If you didn't opt-in for multi-wave or wave 1 Shipping, then your product will ship in the appropriate wave for your total order.
PDF Updates
Items discussed
For those of you who have purchased Pacific Rim or Kong Skull Island, both PDFs have been sent to the backers. We also have both games available for download on our official store. They are live on Drivethru.
Syrinscape Soundsets
Items under Discussion
The Escape From New York sound set has already been released. The Everyday Heroes sound set has been released. The Crow Sound set is being completed this month. Syrinscape has just begun work on the Pacific Rim and Kong sound sets due to be released in June 2023.
Virtual Table Tops (VTTs)
Items under Discussion
Foundry VTT
The Everyday Heroes system is now available for free on Foundry. The premium version of the Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook has been released via DriveThruRPG. For those who want to buy the license. It's now on sale for $30 (yes, the backers got a great discount on this). If we see big sales, we will look at converting the Cinematic Adventures. Promise!
They're also both available in Foundry VTT. You can install them by using the package installer by searching "Everyday Heroes". For those of you who have never used Foundry, here is a helpful resource on how to install both elements. And as always, you can speak directly to Jeff Hitchcock who performed the conversion on our Discord channel.
Note: Please install both the system and the Module in order to get access to all of the classes, backgrounds, and professions.
Roll20 VTT
The conversion work for the Core System is underway. Look for a May-Jun release for the Core Rulebook, Escape From New York, and The Crow. Pacific Rim and Kong Skull Island are being converted as we speak.
Our New Kickstarter
Please sign up for our next Kickstarter. It's going to be epic. And we need your help in making it a success. Please click the link here.
Shipping Update for April
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 01:27:39 PM
Hello Evil Backers,
It's officially April - and you know what April is - it's our promised month to ship the first wave of products. The physical products are now in the warehouse and being processed for shipping. But we have even more good news! Please see the details below:
Shipping Updates
Items discussed:
- Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook (Physical)
- Everyday Heroes Special Edition Rulebook (Physical)
- The Crow Cinematic Adventure (Physical)
- Escape From New York Cinematic Adventure (Physical)
- GM Screen (Physical)
- The Crow Mini (Physical)
- Rambo Mini (Physical)
- Kickstarter Stretch Goals (Physical)
Australia, New Zealand, & Asia
By now you should have received your product. If not, let us know at [email protected]. Our store is also officially open. New customers can now buy the physical products and have them shipped within a week.
The product has been received and processed by our fulfillment partner. Your orders are now "in queue" to be sent out shortly. I expect you will receive the products by April 14th at the latest. These products are also now for sale on the website (you will get your products first), so spread the word.
North & South America
The product has been received and processed by our fulfillment partner. Your orders are now "in queue" to be sent out shortly. I expect you will receive the products by April 14th at the latest. These products are also now for sale on the website (you will get your products first), so spread the word.
PDF Updates
Items discussed
- Pacific Rim Cinematic Adventure (Digital)
- Kong Skull Island Cinematic Adventure (Digital)
For those of you who have purchased Pacific Rim or Kong Skull Island, both PDFs have been sent to the backers. We also have both games available for download on our official store. They will go live on DriveThru shortly.
Syrinscape Soundsets
Items under Discussion
- Everyday Heroes Soundset
- Escape from New York Soundset
- The Crow Soundset
- Pacific Rim Soundset
- Kong Skull Island Soundset
The Escape From New York sound set has already been released. The Everyday Heroes sound set will be released THIS WEEK. The Crow Sound set is being completed this month. Syrinscape has just begun work on the Pacific Rim and Kong sound sets due to be released in June 2023.
Virtual Table Tops (VTTs)
Items under Discussion
- Everyday Heroes for Foundry
- Everyday Heroes for Roll20
- The Crow for Roll20
- Escape From New York for Roll20
Foundry VTT
The Foundry conversion for Everyday Heroes is complete and should be distributed this or next week. We will also be selling the system on the Foundry marketplace. Depending on sales, we will decide how many of the CA's we will convert as well.
Roll20 VTT
We finally have started work on the Roll20 conversion. After much debate, we decided to not use the 5e library and create our own. While our product is "mostly" 5e compatible, we found the system lacking when it comes to new concepts such as vehicles and plans. The conversions are set to be released by June 1st, 2023.
Our New Kickstarter
Please sign up for our next Kickstarter. It's going to be epic. And we need your help in making it a success. Please click the link here.