
The Evil Genius Store

Created by Evil Genius Games

The Evil Genius store carries our flagship product - Everyday Heroes TTRPG - based on d20 Modern, built on 5e. It also pre-sells our first 8 Cinematic Adventures - Pacific Rim, Kong: Skull Island, Highlander, Escape from New York, Total Recall, Rambo, Universal Soldier, and The Crow. We currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter & charge you for the physical items on your survey to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Actual Play with Becca Scott and The Good Time Society!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 10:56:30 PM

Hello Minions,

Please join us tonight for a special Actual Play. Join @TheBeccaScott, @Havanarama, @StellaLunaTV, and @Katskratchh as they dive into a special Everyday Heroes mission!

Sneak Peak #4: Escape From New York
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 03:25:21 PM

Hello Evil Minions,

Welcome to the next installment of our CA sneak peeks. This time we’re going to focus on Escape From New York. This was definitely a fan favorite and one of the first movies that came to mind when we started discussing this strategy. In fact, we wrote the adventure BEFORE we snagged the license. We used it as a selling point to gain access to the rest of the movie IPs.

What's a Cinematic Adventure™?

Cinematic Adventures are a tool we use to introduce you to the world of this iconic movie property. Half of this 100-page printed or digital book will be focused on introducing new mechanics within this world. The second half will be an adventure introducing you to this campaign setting. If an individual Cinematic Adventure is successful, we’ll move on to creating more sourcebooks to flesh out the world even more.

What's in Part 1?

The first part will have new classes, as well as backgrounds and professions that are specific to the setting. We will have new rules and guidance for Game Masters to create adventures in the world including a map of Manhattan Island. Dive deep into the Pliskin-Verse and make your dystopian dreams/nightmares come true.

What’s in Part 2?

The second part is an adventure set on Manhattan Island, now known as the New York Maximum Security Penitentiary. Playing as a group of condemned criminals, the heroes must recover the disarming codes to a failsafe nuclear weapon before they and the rest of New York are wiped off the map. Download the first encounter here.

5 Hints about the Escape from New York Cinematic Adventure™

1. Hey, Are You Snake Plissken? Nope, this isn’t Snake’s story, it’s yours. Cinematic Adventures aren’t about recreating the movies, they are about giving you the tools to have your own adventures in the world of Escape from New York. Besides, we heard Snake was dead.

2. Welcome to the Rotten Apple. What we loved about D&D’s Baldur’s Gate or Pathfinder’s City of Absalom, was that entire campaigns could be had within the city walls. We see the same potential with New York as a maximum-security prison. What would you do in a lawless city of millions? One with its own society, social hierarchy, and self-rule? 

3. You Want to Meet the Duke? “You can't meet the Duke! Are you crazy? Nobody gets to meet the Duke. You meet him once and then you're dead!” The New America of Escape from New York is riddled with crime. Crime lords like The Duke call the shots in America’s free zones. Rise up the ranks, build your street cred and perhaps you can some day challenge The Duke for control of the streets.

4. Get Your Hands Dirty. New York is not for the faint of heart. We’ve got new backgrounds including Cannibal and Born in the Slums. Free zone professions like Gladiator and Fixer. Not to mention new down and dirty classes such as the Motorhead, Gutter Rat, and Street Warrior.

5. Get Your Motor Running. It’s time to pimp your rides with rules for vehicle modifications and customization. Whether you want to arm your old Chevy with a pair of machine guns, or install chandeliers on your AMC Gremlin, we will have you covered with crazy customizations for a dystopian world.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek. But wait there is more - Download the first encounter of this amazing Cinematic Adventure and experience it for yourself. Look for more sneak peeks at each Cinematic Adventure in our upcoming posts.

How to add this adventure to your pledge

To add this Cinematic Adventure to your pledge, do the following 7 simple steps.

  1. Select your pledge level
  2. Click the green “Pledge” button
  3. On the Configure Reward page, scroll down to see all of the add-ons.
  4. Find The Escape From New York Cinematic Adventure or Roll20 version
  5. Click the green “Add” button and it automatically gets added to your shopping cart
  6. Press continue
  7. You should see your add-ons in the pledge summary

Stretch Goal: Our BIGGEST Giveaway Ever!
about 2 years ago – Sun, Jun 05, 2022 at 06:26:03 AM

Hello Evil Minions,

I can't wait to share this news with you, so let's get started!

Exclusive Rambo Miniature

I'm excited to announce our best, most exciting goal so far - a limited edition, Kickstarter exclusive Rambo Miniature!!

The mini sits 32MM tall and is a beautiful sculpt. It comes unpainted. And it's free with any physical pledge that happens before June 9th!

Mack Williams Mini Offer Closed

Congratulations to the 2,584 backers who unlocked the exclusive, Kickstarter-only miniature for the Brute class. The mini will ship with your physical product.

Have You Watched Our Designer Discussions?

We're on our 7th episode where we interview the Evil Genius staff. Watch great interviews with our designers, producers, and graphic designers. 

Our Live Q&A session on Twitch was a blast! If you missed it, we put the video on Youtube for your viewing pleasure. And don't worry, we have at least two more planned.

FAQs and Pledge Clarifications

  • Will the Evil Genius (the physical pledge) come with physical copies of the Cinematic Adventures? Yes, physical printed books come with the pledge by default. In the Pledge Manager, you will be able to switch to the digital version if you choose. 
  • Can anyone choose to purchase the physical copies of the Cinematic Adventures? Other than the physical pledge, these adventures come in digital form. If you purchased any other plan, we will give you the ability to switch during the pledge manager. The physical product may cost $1-2 more depending on what volumes we hit.
  • Do we work with retailers/distributors on custom orders? Absolutely. You have the ability to pledge at the Evil Accountant level for 5 books. And we have add-on products for you to buy more books at the retailer discount. But if you want a different configuration for your order, please reach out directly. 

Sneak peek #3: Total Recall
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jun 04, 2022 at 04:32:09 PM

Hello Evil Minions,

Welcome to the next installment of our CA sneak peeks. This time we’re going to focus on Total Recall. This will be one of my favorite adaptations so I’m excited to give you a few hints as to what’s in store.

What's a Cinematic Adventure?

Cinematic Adventures are a tool we use to introduce you to this iconic movie property world. Half of this 100-page printed or digital book will be focused on introducing new mechanics within this world. The second half will be an adventure introducing you to this campaign setting. If an individual Cinematic Adventure is successful, we’ll move on to creating more sourcebooks to flesh out the world even more.

What's in Part 1?

The first part will usually introduce one or more new classes, as well as backgrounds and professions that are specific to this world. In many cases, we’ll have to also introduce new rules mechanics to make the world function. In other cases, we will flesh out the popular locations within the world so you can create your own adventures.

What’s in Part 2?

The second part will be a full-fledged adventure set within the world.

5 Hints about the Total Recall Cinematic Adventure

1. The Story Won’t Be About Douglas Quaid. Quaid’s story is just one of many in this world. Mars is a planet rife with both conflict and mystery. Earth corps battle for control over the planet, its secrets, and its resources. Mutant rebels fight for self-determination. Underlying it all is the legacy of the ancient Martians. Will they be a boon to mankind or a harbinger of its doom?

2. Mutations and other mysteries. Fancy a mutant arm with a mind of its own, eyes that can see in the dark, or strange psychic powers? The unique radiation on Mars is a curse to some, and a blessing to others. Choose from a range of mutant feats, or let the dice determine your fate with random mutations.

3. No Problem, we can remember it for you. Memories are tricky things, and in the world of Total Recall you can buy and sell them wholesale. Download a sentimental moment, a new skill, or the adventure of a lifetime. But be careful who has access to your mind, who knows what they could do to you.

4. Get ready for an explosive surprise. Do you want the perfect disguise, including a detachable exploding head? How about a nasal tracking device? Perhaps Martian artifacts are more your jam. Whatever strange and wondrous tech you are after, we’ve got you covered.

5. Play Both Sides of the Struggle. Choose to help the corporations establish order on the Mars Settlement or fight for the rebellion. Or both! Now that there is air on Mars. Now that there is air on Mars, what other strange artifacts have the Corporations been hiding from their citizens?

Well, I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek. Look for more sneak peeks at each Cinematic Adventure in our upcoming posts.

Adding Cinematic Adventures to your Pledge

To add this Cinematic Adventure to your pledge, do the following 7 simple steps.

  1. Select your pledge level
  2. Click the green “Pledge” button
  3. On the Configure Reward page, scroll down to see all of the add-ons.
  4. Find The Crow Cinematic Adventure or Roll20 version
  5. Click the green “Add” button and it automatically gets added to your shopping cart
  6. Press continue
  7. You should see your add-ons in the pledge summary

Sneak Peak #2: Highlander
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jun 04, 2022 at 08:50:55 AM

A Sneak Peek at the Highlander Cinematic Adventure™

Hello Evil Minions,

Welcome to the next installment of our CA sneak peeks. This time we’re going to focus on Highlander. This one is clearly one of the most talked-about adventures on social media. It’s spawned a lot of questions and a lot of jokes about how we can only sell one book because… well you know the rest.

What's a Cinematic Adventure?

Cinematic Adventures are a tool we use to introduce you to the world of this iconic movie property. Half of this 100-page printed or digital book will be focused on introducing new mechanics within this world. The second half will be an adventure introducing you to this campaign setting. If an individual Cinematic Adventure is successful, we’ll move on to creating more sourcebooks to flesh out the world even more.

What's in Part 1?

The first part will usually introduce one or more new classes, as well as backgrounds and professions that are specific to this world. In many cases, we’ll have to also introduce new rules mechanics to make the world function. In other cases, we will flesh out the popular locations within the world so you can create your own adventures.

What’s in Part 2?

The second part will be a full-fledged adventure set within the world of Highlander. The adventure will step through time as your try to keep your head.

5 Hints about the Highlander Cinematic Adventure™

  1.  You’ll Get By With A Little Help From Your Friends. Even though there can be only one, that culmination won’t happen for thousands of years. There are plenty of stories to be told until that final event. But in order to survive, you will need allies or even a clan to adventure with. However temporary, it will be your party that you will rely on until there are just the four of you left.
  1.  You’ll Play Across The Ages. When you’re immortal, you’ve lived through a lot. During the Cinematic Adventure, you may find yourself swinging swords in the hundred years’ war, hiding in a bunker during World War I, running spirits during prohibition, or pursuing immortals through the New York City discos in the 80s. As an immortal, all of history is your playground.
  1.  You Do Not Need a Scottish Accent. In fact, we believe that Immortals can come from anywhere, not just from the Highlands. We look forward to introducing Asian, African, and South American Immortals. We will make it possible for you to explore immortality from all regions of the world and all spiritual angles.
  1.  The Art of the Duel. With epic sword duels being such an iconic part of Highlander, we are working on a fun system for one-on-one epic showdowns you can use to add spice to a critical combat. Anticipate your opponent’s next move to give yourself an edge and keep your head where it belongs.
  1.  A Little PVP Between Friends. While traditional roleplaying games don’t lend themselves to PVP play, who says you can’t have a little fun? We’re working with the VTTs to create an online Battle Royale - complete with leaderboards, a challenge system, and real-world prizes. As you’ve all reminded me… there can be only one.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek. Look for more sneak peeks at each Cinematic Adventure in our upcoming posts.